Juan Fontcuberta
Dr. Vicente Riambau has a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona and a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is head of Vascular Surgery at the Cardiovascular Institute of the Hospital Clínico de Barcelona.
Since 1990 he has been a specialist in Angiology and Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, treating diseases of the circulatory system.
He is currently Professor of Surgery at the University of Barcelona and a member of the most prestigious scientific societies related to vascular surgery around the world. He is Visiting Professor at the Universities of Stanford (USA), Pittsburg (USA) and Belgrade (Serbia). He is Former President of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), President of the American Society for Angiology (Spanish Section) and Vice President of the ISVS (International Society for Vascular Surgery). He is a member of 15 editorial committees of international scientific journals and directs the Spanish publication Técnicas Endovasulares.
Founder and President of the Endovascular Foundation. But his main merit is the attention to his patients, to whom he dedicates himself full time.
With the current position as Head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service of the Santiago de Compostela University Hospital Complex and the accumulated experience during the past 5 years as Head of Service in the Ourense Hospital Complex, Dr. Mosquera is responsible for coordinating the clinical research projects associated with the Service and facilitate the work of the professionals who are in it.
The experience accumulated in recent years with more than 200 presentations in International and National congresses support his involvement in Scientific Dissemination, as well as his presence as Guest Professor in more than 100 Courses and Symposiums related to continuing medical training both nationally and internationally in the field of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.
At the moment he is the Principal Coordinating Investigator (PCI) of the prospective INNER-B study; first prospective clinical study carried out in the field of treatment of thoracoabdominal pathology with endovascular techniques.
Bachelor of Medicine from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Specialist in Angiology and Vascular Surgery (University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela). Former secretary of the SNACV. Former secretary of the SGACV. Head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service of the University Hospital Complex of A Coruña (CHUAC). Co-director of SITE/SAM.
Dr. Puras Mallagray is chief of the Department of Angiology Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Hospital Universitario Quiron in Madrid. At this time, Dr. Puras also exercises an academic role as professor of Vascular Surgery at the European University of Madrid. Dr. Puras is a member of the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, where he has served as Vice President and President of the non-invasive vascular diagnosis chapter and served as a member of its scientific committee.
His current research work focuses on clinical results in the in the application of drug coated balloons for ischemic pathologies in the lower limbs and in the clinical results after the implantation of stents to treat post-thrombotic processes in the iliocaval axis.
Dr Puras has received numerous and prestigious national awards and collaborates with a weekly article with the national publication “A tu salud”, leader in health information in the written press in Spain.
Fernando Gallardo, MD, is an Angiologist and Vascular/endovascular surgeon of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department, Hospitales QuironSalud Malaga and Marbella, Málaga, Spain.
Dr. Fernando Gallardo was born in 1981 in Málaga, Spain. He received his MD from the University of Málaga in 2006, completed the internship and residency in Angiology and Vascular Surgery in University Hospital of A Coruña in 2012. After his residence his training was completed with stages at international world references, as St. Mary´s Hospital London, UK, Hôpital Arnaud De Villeneuve, Montpellier, FR, and Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Hawaii, USA. He has been a staff member of the Vascular Surgery Departments in the Hospital Clinico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela and Hospital San Rafael (A Coruña, Spain) from 2012 to 2015. Since 2015 he has been working at Hospitales Quironsalud Malaga and Marbella, at Costa del Sol, south of Spain. Since 2010 Dr. Gallardo has been co-responsible for the training and e-learning program of the ESVS and co-director of international symposiums as SAM, SITE, ESVS AGM. From 2017 is a member of the scientific committee of the SACVA (Sociedad Andaluza de Angiología y C Vascular) and has been recently elected as secretary of this society in 2021. Professor collaborator with the Faculty of Medicine (University of Málaga) since 2019.
His research focuses mainly on abdominal aortic aneurysms, EVAR, and new therapies and advances for PAD and vascular access. Dr Gallardo is also involved in new technologies for the invasive treatment of venous thromboembolic diseases, such as Pulmonary Embolism and complex DVT therapies. In this fields, research is focused on the analysis of mid term results of the multicenter SACVA EVAR registry, of which he is the main investigator, studying the consequences of EVAR therapies in hostile necks and out of IFU´s.
Dr. Gallardo is a very active vascular surgeon in social networks, as linkedin where he has more than 7000 followers and scientific posts with more than 20.000 visualizations and also an active collaborator of scientifics network projects as Vascupedia, and others webinars and online courses.
Angiologist and Vascular Surgeon. Head of service University Hospital Sagrat Cor and Hospital General de Catalunya since April 2015. Licensed by the faculty of medicine of the Universitat Central Hospital Clínico y Provincial . 1991. Specialist as angiologyst and vascular surgeon in Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol. Barcelona 1993 -1997.
Associated surgery professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona. Hospital Clinic since June of 2015. PhD in Medicine of the Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona from october 2013 He was head of Vascular Surgery service in HOSPITAL PLATO from 1999 to 2015. Author of about forty articles and speaker at over 200 times in conferences and round tables specialty.
He has devoted special attention to minimally invasive treatments for arterial and venous disease and has promoted endovenous procedures such endolaser, radiofrequency, MOCA, GLUE and ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy. In 2012 he set up his own private clinic, CLINICA VASCULAR BARCELONA.( www.vascularbarcelona.com)
Founder and managing director of VB Devices (www.vbdevices.com), a company which is developing some medical devices including the first automated system for microfoam production (VARIXIO®) and a device for securing guidewires and catheters ( CRABCLAMP®). Both of them currently launched in Europe since February 2021.
Gaspar Mestres, MD, PhD, FEBVS, is a vascular surgeon of the Vascular Surgery Division, Cardiovascular Surgery Department – Cardiovascular Institute. Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Dr. Gaspar Mestres was born in 1979 in Barcelona, Spain. He received his MD from the University of Barcelona in 2003, completed the internship and residency in Angiology and Vascular Surgery in Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Autonomous University of Barcelona) in 2009, obtained the PhD in 2010 in the same university in endovascular aortic surgery research, and achieved the FEBVS in 2011. He is a staff member of the Vascular Surgery Division in the Hospital Clinic (Barcelona, Spain) since 2009, surgeon in charge of the Vascular Access Unit of the Hospital Clinic (regional reference center in vascular access creation and maintenance), and Professor of the Faculty of Medicine (University of Barcelona) since 2020.
His current research focuses mainly on vascular access surgery (access creation and follow-up, pre and intraoperative ultrasound assessment, chronic vascular access flow measurements and dysfunction detection, early postoperative vascular access thrombosis, imaging study of vascular access anastomosis, and new devices in vascular access) and endovascular aortic surgery. In this field, research is focused on populational studies in AAA repair performance, late performance of aortic endografts, uncommon complications of endografts, its applications in uncommon diseases or in off-label conditions, and in-vitro performance of endografts in off-label indications, as parallel stent technique.
Dr. Luis Miguel Salmerón, graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Granada in 1986. He was a specialist in Angiology and Vascular Surgery via MIR at the San Cecilio University Hospital in Granada in 1993.
He won the “Extraordinary Prize” by the University of Granada in 1997. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Granada since 2005. He was the tutor of Residents of A. and C. Vascular from 2005 to 2014. President of the Andalusian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery from 2009 to 2013. He is currently Head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Service at the San Cecilio University Hospital in Granada.
Born in Almeria (Andalusia) in 1980, he received his MD from the University of Navarra in 2004. He completed his residency in Vascular Surgery at the Hospital Universitario La Paz in Madrid from 2005 to 2010. Since then, he has been a member of the Vascular Surgery Service of the Hospital Universitario de Navarra.
Currently, his main field of work is aortic pathology, especially complex aortic pathology such as thoracoabdominal aneurysm and aortic dissection.
His main research activity focuses on the study of biomarkers associated with aortic aneurysm, collaborating closely with the Atherothrombosis Laboratory of the Research Center (CIMA) of the University of Navarra. He is also associate professor at University of Navarra School of Medicine since 2010.
Marc Sirvent, MD, FEBVS, is an Angiologist & Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon, with a focus on the Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) & Diabetic Foot. He is recognized by his colleagues & the industry as a reference in the PAD & Diabetic Foot treatment, endorsed by his numerous publications & trials, as well as, the actively training courses to other professionals as Proctor & his participation in workshops, congresses, advisories & many other activities with high impact.
CV Brief:
Marc Sirvent, MD, FEBVS, has a wide professional & educational career as an Angiologist & Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon, developing his extensive capabilities in different public & private Hospitals, currently being part of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department at the General University Hospital of Granollers, Catalonia.
During the last years he has focused on the treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) and Diabetic Foot, being the Director of the PAD Program and Head of the Diabetic Foot Unit at the General University Hospital of Granollers, positioning himself as a national & international proctor & reference for other colleges. In this line is an actively consultant for the industry, involving himself in the new products development & evaluation, providing trainings, proctoring, webinars, advisories… to many specialists eager to further their knowledge.
He has been author & co-author of numerous national & international publications, as well as, several clinical trials, leading & participating in projects funded by the Intituto de Salud Carlos III. He is also part of consolidated research groups recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the CIBER of CardioVascular diseases.
He directs, organizes, and collaborates in many courses and workshops focused on endoluminal therapy, most of them accredited by the Consell Català de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries, la Comisión de Formación Continuada del Sistema Nacional de Salud or l’European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.
Dr. Hernando Rydings is an Angiologist and Vascular/Endovascular surgeon of the Vascular Surgery Department of Clinico San Carlos Hospital.
He completed his residency in Clinico San Carlos Hospital in Madrid in 2012 and he completed his training with stages at Cleveland Clinic, Royal Free Hospital in London and in the German Aortic Center in Hamburg in 2019. In 2015 he obtained his PhD in the Complutense University of Madrid wining the prize of best doctoral thesis of the SEACV (Spanish Society of vascular Surgery) in 2016. From 2013 to 2023 he was working in Bilbao focused in the endovascular treatment of complex aortic aneurysms.
Xavier Yugueros is a Vascular Surgeon of the Vascular Surgery Division, Cardiovascular Surgery Department – Cardiovascular Institute. Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Dr. Xavier Yugueros was born in 1982 in Barcelona, Spain. He received his MD from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2006 and completed the internship and residency in Angiology and Vascular Surgery in 2012 at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Autonomous University of Barcelona). He achieved the FEBVS in 2014 and obtained the PhD in 2019 at University of Barcelona with his research on in-vitro studies of parallel stent technique in endovascular repair of AAA.
He is a staff member of the Vascular Surgery Division in the Hospital Clinic since 2005, surgeon of the Vascular Access Unit of the Hospital Clinic (a regional reference center in vascular access creation and maintenance), and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine (University of Barcelona) since 2020. He is also the coordinator of the Training Programme for Residents in Vascular Surgery in Hospital Clinic since 2021.
His current research focuses mainly on vascular access surgery and endovascular aortic procedures. He is also interested in creation and use of surgical simulators for teaching in Vascular Surgery, being member of the Innovation and Research Committee of the Clinical Simulation Group (SIMClinic) in Hospital Clinic.
Javier Rio is a vascular surgeon of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, Madrid, Spain. He develops full activity in the department and, moreover, he is member of the medical 3D printing committee and of the complex aortic repair unit. Also he is trainee tutor at this hospital.
He received his MD from the University of Alcalá de Henares in 2004 and completed the internship and residency in Angiology and Vascular Surgery in HGU Gregorio Marañón Madrid in 2010.
Since 2017 he is an Associate Medical Professor for Surgical Pathology at Faculty of Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid, and teaching collaborator with biomedical engineers from Carlos III University in Madrid.
He has several professional certificates such as Fellow European Board of Vascular Surgery (Maastricht, 2014), accreditation as manager for radiologic facilities (Level I&II) and accreditation as vascular sonographer by National Spanish Society (October 2009).
He has several national and international publications, as well as multiple papers in conferences and webinars, both national and international.
Javier also dedicates his time to research work; he is collaborator in many programs such us the “Vein Act Program” (endorsed by Capitulo Español de Flebología y Linfología, European Venous Forum and Alcalá University), the international registry Covid-Surg (with published results in The Lancet, BJS and Anesthesia) and the “PAXA registry” and Spain Registry.
Mon Lago is Nursing Coordinator of three different areas at Santiago de Compostela University Hospital Complex: Hemodynamics, Electrophysiology and Cardiology Day Hospital.
He has a previous experience of 12 years at Resuscitation Unit.
Apart from his bachelor’s degree in Nursing, he has a master’s degree in Health Management and Critical Care, and he is currently studying for his PhD in Clinical Research in Medicine at University of Santiago de Compostela.
He combines his professional activity at the hospital with working as a lecturer in Critical Care at Nursing School of University of Santiago de Compostela.
Judith Prats has been a nurse since June 2006 and has more than 14 years of experience as an intensive care nurse in the Cardiovascular Surgery ICU.
She has been Nursing Coordinator of the Cardiovascular Surgery Hospitalization unit since March 2021 and Coordinator of the Advanced Practice Nurses of the Cardiovascular Clinical Institute of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.
She combines her work at the hospital with the roles of Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Advanced Cardiovascular Therapeutic Techniques at the University of Barcelona and Coordinator of the Critics group of the Official College of Nurses of Barcelona.
Juan Fontcuberta
Xavier Yugueros
Jordi Martorell
Fátima Matos
Sherif Sultan
Mariano de Blas
José María Egaña
Tilo Kölbel
Xavier Montaña
M. Matsagkas
Juan Carlos Parodi
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