Call for abstracts and SITE Innovation award competition


The only way to submit your abstract is by using the link posted in this symposium Abstract Section (please use the link at the end of this page). Once your abstract has been submitted you will receive a confirmation email indicating that all the information has been received correctly. If you do not receive this confirmation, then please contact the Technical Secretariat.


The deadline to submit your abstract is 1st September 2024.

Deadline extension ONLY FOR ABSTRACTS ON VASCULAR NURSING, until 13th September 2024.

An acceptance/rejection notification will be sent via email with all the necessary presentation details by 9th September 2024.


Challenging case: These should include educational elements such as the problem or difficulty, how to avoid and resolve it.
Free paper: These should correspond to complete studies with outstanding results and innovative conclusions.


You can select within the following topics:

– Challenging cases/Free papers in PAD therapy

– Challenging cases/Free papers in Aorta and its branches

– Challenging cases/Free papers in Carotid

– Challenging cases/Free papers in Vascular Nursing


When submitting your abstract, you should select your preference.

The 3 best abstracts for each topic will be chosen for presentation.

The best Oral presentation chosen by the Moderators will be awarded with the prize of 2,500€.

SITE Santiago 2024 e-POSTERS

The best poster chosen by the participants via voting system on-site will be awarded with the prize of 1,500€.


All abstracts must be submitted through the official link posted at the end of this page.

The deadline to submit your abstract is 1st September 2024.

The maximum number of authors permitted is 6 (1 author plus 5 co-authors). One of the authors must be registered in the Symposium.

The title should be in capitals and extend to no more than two lines. Avoid abbreviations.


Organize the text following these sections:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Material used
  • Methodology used
  • Results of the study
  • Conclusions of the study


We are pleased to announce the 2nd Edition of these awards for Medical Vascular Startups.
Open to cutting-edge medical technology startups from across the globe.
The 3 best projects will be elected to pitch their startup company in a plenary session of the SITE Santiago 2024.
Deadline for applications is 1st September 2024.


This award can help med-tech startup:

  • Gain invaluable international investment community and key industry players
  • Reach the next level in the pathway to clinical approval and adoption
  • Obtain invaluable guidance and endorsement from world-class panel and peers


The competition is open to pre-seed and seed-stage med tech startup companies whose innovative solutions can be applied to vascular diagnostics and interventions. We will consider the following areas:

  • Medical Devices
  • Digital/Mobile Health / Health ICT
  • Biomedicine
  • Medical Consumer Products
  • Medical Diagnostics
  • Medical Therapeutics
  • Healthcare Services/Processes


Participation is very easy:

  • Insert your pitch
  • Your idea will be reviewed by the committee and a notification will be soon sent regarding your compatibility to the SITE Innovation award
  • Once confirmed by the committee you will be invited to the extended submission stage. You will then be required to send a partial business plan (instructions will be provided) for the review of committee
  • The committee will select three proposals be presented in a live session during the SITE Santiago 2024
  • The committee will select the best presentation, that will receive a 2.000€ prize award



  • The abstract should be as informative and succinct as possible
  • Organize the text following these sections:
    • Project name
    • Name of the organization/startup
    • Website (if available)
    • Unmet need
    • Proposed solution
    • Project status (select the stage most adjusted to the maturity of your project)
      • Need: Insights into unmet clinical needs and available solutions
      • Idea: Potential solutions to the unmet need developed and evaluated
      • Proof of concept: Key component concepts validated in models and value proposition articulated
      • Proof of feasibility: Feasibility of solution demonstrated, with tests and with feedback of stakeholders
      • Proof of value: Demonstration that the solution works (trials in animals) and creates value for stakeholders
      • Clinical trials: Manufacture of pilot lots and collection of first results of clinical trials
      • Other: Project status higher than 6
    • Status of the invention (please check if any of the following options apply. You can either select none, one or more than one option(s)):
      • Patent application submitted
      • Invention disclosed publicly (published in journal, presented at conference or other submission)
      • Product commercially released
      • Product received regulatory approval
      • Intellectual property licensed to third party
    • State of the art and competition (provide a list of existing and/or potential alternatives, the description of how others have addressed the problem and the advantages of your invention over them)
    • Market volume (if known, provide data of the market -units, €- and/or prevalence of the disease
    • Additional information (if necessary, please provide any additional non-confidential information that could be of interest for the evaluation of your Project such as Road map, business plan, financing required…


You must understand that the information disclosed herein is NON-CONFIDENTIAL. In case that you want to share any confidential information, in order to provide a better explication of the product/service, please contact us at:


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SITE Barcelona 2023 on-demand content  is  available online.

You can already access a wide range of session replays and recordings. Access here.